1: <?php
2: /**
3: * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
4: * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
5: * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6: * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
7: * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
8: * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9: *
10: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11: *
12: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16: * limitations under the License.
17: *
18: * @package log4php
19: */
21: /**
22: * Provides methods for reflective use on php objects
23: * @package log4php
24: */
25: class LoggerReflectionUtils {
26: /** the target object */
27: private $obj;
29: /**
30: * Create a new LoggerReflectionUtils for the specified Object.
31: * This is done in prepartion for invoking {@link setProperty()}
32: * one or more times.
33: * @param object &$obj the object for which to set properties
34: */
35: public function __construct($obj) {
36: $this->obj = $obj;
37: }
39: /**
40: * Set the properties of an object passed as a parameter in one
41: * go. The <code>properties</code> are parsed relative to a
42: * <code>prefix</code>.
43: *
44: * @param object $obj The object to configure.
45: * @param array $properties An array containing keys and values.
46: * @param string $prefix Only keys having the specified prefix will be set.
47: */
48: // TODO: check, if this is really useful
49: public static function setPropertiesByObject($obj, $properties, $prefix) {
50: $pSetter = new LoggerReflectionUtils($obj);
51: return $pSetter->setProperties($properties, $prefix);
52: }
55: /**
56: * Set the properites for the object that match the
57: * <code>prefix</code> passed as parameter.
58: *
59: * Example:
60: *
61: * $arr['xxxname'] = 'Joe';
62: * $arr['xxxmale'] = true;
63: * and prefix xxx causes setName and setMale.
64: *
65: * @param array $properties An array containing keys and values.
66: * @param string $prefix Only keys having the specified prefix will be set.
67: */
68: public function setProperties($properties, $prefix) {
69: $len = strlen($prefix);
70: reset($properties);
71: while(list($key,) = each($properties)) {
72: if(strpos($key, $prefix) === 0) {
73: if(strpos($key, '.', ($len + 1)) > 0) {
74: continue;
75: }
76: $value = $properties[$key];
77: $key = substr($key, $len);
78: if($key == 'layout' and ($this->obj instanceof LoggerAppender)) {
79: continue;
80: }
81: $this->setProperty($key, $value);
82: }
83: }
84: $this->activate();
85: }
87: /**
88: * Set a property on this PropertySetter's Object. If successful, this
89: * method will invoke a setter method on the underlying Object. The
90: * setter is the one for the specified property name and the value is
91: * determined partly from the setter argument type and partly from the
92: * value specified in the call to this method.
93: *
94: * <p>If the setter expects a String no conversion is necessary.
95: * If it expects an int, then an attempt is made to convert 'value'
96: * to an int using new Integer(value). If the setter expects a boolean,
97: * the conversion is by new Boolean(value).
98: *
99: * @param string $name name of the property
100: * @param string $value String value of the property
101: */
102: public function setProperty($name, $value) {
103: if($value === null) {
104: return;
105: }
107: $method = "set" . ucfirst($name);
109: if(!method_exists($this->obj, $method)) {
110: throw new Exception("Error setting log4php property $name to $value: no method $method in class ".get_class($this->obj)."!");
111: } else {
112: return call_user_func(array($this->obj, $method), $value);
113: }
114: }
116: public function activate() {
117: if(method_exists($this->obj, 'activateoptions')) {
118: return call_user_func(array($this->obj, 'activateoptions'));
119: }
120: }
122: /**
123: * Creates an instances from the given class name.
124: *
125: * @param string $classname
126: * @return an object from the class with the given classname
127: */
128: public static function createObject($class) {
129: if(!empty($class)) {
130: return new $class();
131: }
132: return null;
133: }
135: /**
136: * @param object $object
137: * @param string $name
138: * @param mixed $value
139: */
140: public static function setter($object, $name, $value) {
141: if (empty($name)) {
142: return false;
143: }
144: $methodName = 'set'.ucfirst($name);
145: if (method_exists($object, $methodName)) {
146: return call_user_func(array($object, $methodName), $value);
147: } else {
148: return false;
149: }
150: }
152: }